14 Different Types of Metals | With Examples

The term ‘metal’ is derived from the Greek word ‘metallon,’ which means ‘to extract’ or mine from the ground. Our planet contains plenty of metal. In fact, out of 118 elements in the periodic table, about 95 are...

12 Best Anime Series Of All Time

Putting together a list of best anime of all time is not an easy job. To be considered one of the best, an anime has to be far more than just being liked. Its impact on a particular industry, as well as popular culture, is one of the several...

24 Richest Engineers in the World | 2021 Edition

Engineers play an important role in the development of any society. Their innovations and efforts towards new technology help make our life more enjoyable and comfortable. Since that’s the case, good engineers are always in demand, which leads...

What Is A Particle Accelerator? How Does It Work?

A particle accelerator is a device that propels subatomic particles to high speeds, using electromagnetic fields. It generates a beam of charged particles that is used for numerous research purposes. The history of particle accelerator dates back to...

How Is Glass Made? [Two Main Methods]

Many Stone Age societies across the world used naturally occurring glass, such as the volcanic glass obsidian, to make sharp cutting tools. However, according to the archaeological evidence, the first true glass was created in coastal north Syria...