Surveillance refers to the monitoring of all kinds of information about people in order to protect them. It may include observation from a short distance using cameras to electronically using internet or phone calls. The primary goal of the surveillance is intelligence gathering, prevention and investigation of any crime. At present, high-speed surveillance technologies and 3D biometrics software are being used. Surveillance is also a big topic of controversy because you have no privacy in public areas. But, the majority of people want it for their security purpose. Here are the advanced surveillance technologies that analyze and provide high security system.
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12. Verint System
Image Source: asmag
Verint System is a company that provides software and hardware to intelligent markets. Their products are used by over 10,000 government organizations in more than 150 countries. Their most popular products include internet controlled surveillance cameras and speech analysis software. They also launched a forensic tool for public safety that provides a 360 degree view for detailed investigations.
11. Bynet
Image Source: bynet
Bynet Data Communication Ltd is widely known for their video surveillance solutions. They are considered as the leading brand in developing monitoring and recording system. The main feature of this technology is a communication system that is able of transmitting real-time information via a secure broadband connection. Their products have the ability to record the interior of a vehicle from hundreds of meters away.
10. Magal Security
Image Source: gitsecurity
Magal Security System is one of the largest security system manufacturers in the world. They are famous for creating CCTV, IP surveillance and intrusion detection system. All their products are best for most vulnerable activities including terrorism. They are credited for keeping millions of people safe. In 2013, they announced that they received numerous orders from Asia and America, worth of over $4 million.
9. Agent Vi
Image Source: agentvi
Agent Vi is a video analysis software company that creates smart intelligence tools for analyzing people, objects and vehicles. Their products feature real-time detection and forensic research. They claim that their product is able to analyze hundreds of cameras at a time with negligible false results. They majorly manufacture their technologies for business intelligence, government and military surveillance. They also focus on traffic monitoring and highway security.
8. Camero
Image Source: gsnmagazine
Camero-Tech is an Israel based company, specializes in security cameras. They are popular for advanced micro power radar technology that has the ability to see through walls. All their products are based on 3D image reconstruction programs that generates 3D image of any object behind solid barriers. Recently, they launched their new Handheld Xaver Life Detector for search and rescue operations.
7. Seaeye Underwater
Image Source: wikimedia
Saab Seaeye manufactures the most advanced technology for underwater surveillance. Their product provides a wide range of applications that allow forces to extend their capabilities. Many countries have experienced terrorist attacks through the sea. Standard surveillance cameras are not used underwater because they provide a very low resolution image within a short distance. Seaeye technology allows clearer image with high data transmission rate.
6. Adaptive Imaging
Image Source: spie
Adaptive Imaging Technologies, a firm that develops panoramic telescope, a surveillance camera that is able of ultra-high resolution zooms for security purpose. They developed a camera having 1000 megapixels to cover a wide area. They primarily focused on the protection of the transportation system, border and urban areas. For their product, they received the 2009 Most Promising Startup Award.
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5. MATE Intelligent Video
Image Source: sourcesecurity
MATE Intelligent Video is considered the leading intelligent video surveillance system. Their innovation converts a conventional camera into a smart and intelligent system. They allowed their products for counting people and cars and tracking objects over a large field. They are also capable of transferring bi-directional information to secure a remote site. This system is widely used in remote areas for detecting any kind of suspicious activities.
4. Laser Microphone
Image Source: mit
A laser microphone can capture any sound vibrations from a long distance using a laser beam. This technology is mostly used for spying. The laser beam can spread into the room and falls on the sound waves and reflects to a receiver that converts it into sound signal. John Pike, director of Global Security believes that this technology was used in the secret mission of killing Osama bin Laden. He also said that this tech confirms the presence of Osama behind a classified compound which was not visually confirmed.
Future Surveillance Technology
3. Pre Crime Cameras
Image Source: slate
Pre crime surveillance cameras use thermal imaging sensors that monitor pulse rates and facial expressions. This helps in analyzing suspicious behavior and alert security guards before any criminal activity. All the cameras will be programmed to consider normal behavior as standard. These cameras would build their own memory to determine and calculate criminal activities.
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2. Facial Monitor Surveillance
Image Source: wikimedia
Israeli researchers are now working on facial recognition surveillance system. This technology can be used in a crowded place to pick out a face from the big crowd. This technology will also be used in laptops to recognize tiny facial expressions. Through this tech, they will monitor their employee’s fatigue and conduct market research. This technology is in the final stage and its advanced level would probably come by next year.
1. RFID Microchips
Image Source: wikimedia
RFID microchip is an integrated circuit device that is implanted inside the body of a human being. You can also see similar technologies in many spying movies. It usually contains a unique token number that is used to retrieve information about the person. It also stores medical history, medications and contact information. The first successful experiment of RFID implant was done in 1998 but this tech was never accepted worldwide due to some serious health problems. At present, the technology is still under development stage.