
Could Life Form In Two-Dimensional Universe?

There are ways to make gravity work in 2(space)+1(time) dimensional universe. A physicist showed how a scalar gravitational field would work in two spatial dimensions, enabling stable orbits and a logical cosmology. Have you ever wondered how life...

What Is The Temperature of Uranus’ Rings?

Researchers used two most advanced ground-based telescopes to measure the temperature of the rings of Uranus.  Uranus ring system has a temperature of -196°C (77 Kelvin), just about the boiling point of liquid nitrogen.  Typically, Saturn is the...

14 Intriguing Facts About Neptune

Neptune is perhaps one of the most fascinating planets in the solar system, maybe because we know very little about this planet. Due to its immense distance from the Sun, it has not been visited more than once. The earliest known observation of...

First Type Of Molecule Ever Formed In The Universe

Researchers detected the first kind of molecule formed in the Universe, using NASA’s airborne observatory SOFIA.  They found helium hydride in a very young and dense planetary nebula located 3,000 light-years from Earth.  The early stages of...