We all know that astronauts couldn’t survive the rough environment of space without their suits. By the time we were ready to go into the space, the suits designed to be worn had discovered and been quite enhanced. There are tons of things you...
We can do a lot of things with CSS like, create pretty effects, make models, build different shapes etc. Putting a perfect CSS in your application isn’t hard these days. There are thousands of effects and tutorials available on...
There are numerous online platforms that are helping a lot of people getting answers and advice on various topics over the years. As the editor of 3rank I see dozens of tech related questions every day. Since almost all questions are moderated, most...
The police agencies all over the world have a tough job to prevent crime and create a safer environment for civilians. In most countries, police officers are required to go through a proper field training and learn various administrative tasks...
The natural fuel used by humans for the first time was around thousands of years ago. We all know green design, sustainable architecture and alternative energy sources are very important to create a sustainable environment. In ancient times...
Since over a last decade, we have seen many incredible things happened in the scientific world. The best thing about science is that we progress after every failure. We are developing technology at a tremendous rate. We are now at a level that we...
Surveillance refers to the monitoring of all kinds of information about people in order to protect them. It may include observation from a short distance using cameras to electronically using internet or phone calls. The primary goal of the...
Lego was manufactured as a construction brick toy to entertain children. Lego are more preferred for small children because they are easy to carry and you can make any design whatever you want. At the present time, the situation is improved...
Space research is an important thing to study all the aspects of Big Bang Theory. It’s really a tough task and needs advanced space exploration technologies. There are numerous space organizations around the world and many space missions have...
We are living in the era where life is revolving too much around technology. We all got so engrossed in recent technologies that we have never looked behind the history of the technology and the weird facts related to it. Technology and internet...
We all are well aware of iOS, Android, Windows and Blackberry Smartphones. Among all of them, Android has largest share of users and it is based on the Linux platform (Linux Distro). Also, Linux is the basis of almost all modern operating systems...