The Google X lab has been cooking something new since its inception that could dynamically and rapidly set the precedent for revolutionary jump in technology. Their vision seems limitless and indefinable. The company spends more into research works from small computer program to artificial intelligence pinpointing what all of us using in upcoming decades. Today we’ll not talk about the present search engine, android platform, maps etc. We would like to explore the future. What is Google planning to launch in upcoming years? Let’s find out in our updated list of 14 Unbelievable Google’s Future Projects.
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15. Test Tube Burgers
A team at Maastricht University unveiled a burger produced entirely in a lab. The project was backed by Google co-founder, Sergey Brin. It is a result of five-year experiment and came at the cost of $330,000. However, the total project will go beyond this first burger and includes other expanses, close to $995,000. This may be a future solution to the problem of potential meat shortages.
14. Climate Change Insurance
Google is investing in companies like The Climate Corporation which sells whether insurance. The flip flop conditions of weather from one year to another are the biggest challenge for farmers. A total of $42 million was invested by Google in climate change technology startup that will calculate the probability of crops being ruined by nature.
Recommended: 15+ Extraordinary Research Project by Microsoft
13. Project Green Energy
Google is using nature friendly resources efficiently and supporting renewable power, which indirectly means, if you are using one of the Google products, you are preserving natural resources for the next generation. They have already spent a billion for the Green Energy project. Google’s data centers are designed to use as little energy as possible, in fact, they are recycling 100 percent of electronic equipment and generating electricity from solar cells and wind energy.
12. New Drugs
Google is not only interested in engineering projects but they are also stepping into the biological field. They are trying to create new ways to fight disease. The Google company iPierian uses cellular reprogramming to create new drugs that attack the disease by modifying them, and another company named Adimab uses a novel approach to speed up the discovery of new antibodies
Calico is research and development company founded by Google Inc, which focuses on aging and how to slow it. The company is also working to counteract age-related diseases like cancer via new treatments and therapies.
11. Liftware
Liftware is self-stabilizing handle which is perfect for people suffering from muscle problems such as Parkinson’s Disease. It automatically stabilizes so the attached utensil shakes 70% less than the patient’s hand.
Liftware has 2 parts – a stabilizing handle and a utensil attachment. It automatically turns on the moment both parts are connected. Patients can use any type of spoon as an attachment and because it’s very light and small, they can bring it wherever they go.
10. Smart Contact Lens
One in every 19 people in the world is affected by diabetes. Sudden spikes or steep drop of sugar level is dangerous for diabetic patients, which is why they require a round-clock monitoring. It seems like a small deal but they need to give repeated blood samples for sugar analysis. This means a lot of finger pricking to draw blood up to the surface, which is quite disruptive and painful.
With Google’s smart contact lens glucose levels can be measured through tears. It uses a tiny wireless chip and miniaturized glucose sensor that are attached between 2 layers of soft lens material. The researchers are also trying to integrate tiny LED lights that could light up to indicate that blood sugar levels have crossed below or above the normal range.
9. Project Era
Project Era is an initiative that aims to develop an open hardware system for building high modular smartphones. It’ll include a structural frame that holds smartphone components of your choice like camera, display, CPU or an extra battery. It would allow you to upgrade individual modules, providing a longer lifetime cycle, and potentially reducing the electronic wastes. Also, you’ll no longer need to change the whole smartphone just because one part is broken. Google intends to sell a starter kit under $50 that includes a frame, low-end CPU, display, battery and WiFi.
8. Sky Wind Turbine
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Astro teller, director of Google’s secretive research lab got an approval from CEO Larry Page on Makani Power. It’s a startup on wind turbine with fixed width aircraft tethered to the ground like a kite. The latest prototype Wing 7 is 26 feet long made of carbon fibers with 4 electric generator propellers that fly in a bounded area at a height of 800 to 2000 feet sending power down to the base station
7. Driveless Car
Image source: wikimedia
At Google, cars aren’t just meant for the purpose of transportation, they are also a problem to be solved with the help of algorithms, cache and data. The project is currently led by Sebastian Thrun, director of Standford Artificial Intelligence lab. The car includes $150,000 equipment including a $7o,000 laser radar system. 64 beam lasers allow the vehicle to generate detailed 3d map of its surroundings. The car observes these generated maps and combines them with HD map of the world resulting in different type of advanced data models which allows it to drive itself.
Read: Best Hybrid Cars In The World
6. Project Loon
Around two third of the population doesn’t have Internet. Project Loon will help those people get connected to the world. Basically, it’s a network of balloons travelling to the edge of space that provide the connection to all rural and remote areas. They are carried around the stratosphere by winds that can be steered by rising or descending in height. User can connect to this network using a special internet antenna attached to the roof.
5. Project Tango
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Project Tango is a 3d mapping project that aims to bring spatial awareness of the world around us to smartphones and tablets. The prototype is similar to Android Smartphone which tracks the 3d motion of the device and creates a 3d model of the surrounding around it, in real time. The device will capture all information and details in 3d. For example: enter a room, make a video and your phone will give you the exact dimensions of room, door, TV and whatever lying on your table.
4. Home Automation
For years we have been hearing about the doors that unlock automatically when you arrive, refrigerator itself order foods etc. Google wants the same but in large extent. Its new Android Home platform is connected to fans, coffee pots, light bulbs and all other things that could be controlled via switch. However, it’s just the starting stage and the deadline of the project has not been decided yet. It will be really interesting to see how you would control your entire home by just using an Android Smartphone.
3. First Moon Landing
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The Google Lunar X Prize is a project organized by space foundation and sponsored by Google. Basically, it’s a reward of $30 million cash for any private agency or organization that can land a probe below/above five hundred meters on the surface of the moon by the end of 2015. The probe must have to send data including HD images and videos back to the earth. The aim is to recapture the important data, the spark generated by moon landing as well as to encourage the private space exploration.
Read: 10 Thrilling Space Projects Agencies working on
2. Predicting the Future
Google and CIA have invested a lot in future web monitoring. They both have invested in RECORDED FUTURE that monitors the web in real time and uses all the available data to predict the future. Obviously it goes through huge amount of information from website, social networking sites, news, search engines and blogs to find relation between events and organization.
1. Robots
According to the New York Times, Google is running a secret division (Google X) which includes a lab at an undisclosed location where robot rules the roost. However, there is no evidence of building of robots somewhere underground in Silicon Valley. Google is just trying to build bots to perform all kinds of basic tasks such as making tea, printing data, transferring the stuff from one place to another, that will give engineers great comfort and flexibility to work remotely, efficiently and focus on higher level tasks.
Google is doing a lot more behind the scene. They have acquired at least 7 robotics companies including Boston Dynamics (that builds Pentagon-structured advanced robots). Also, they have been successfully awarded the patent to build robot with personalities and control robot armies. They are trying to build a machine that could interact with each other, download data from their servers and do much more things.
Imagine self-driving cars with the ability to communicate with each other’s, deciding routes, managing traffic, avoiding collisions on their own.